Mon - Fri 7 AM - 6:30 PM
58-69th St Guttenberg, NJ 07093

Junior & Senior Toddlers

Our toddler classroom was especially designed with child sized furniture, materials, and restrooms.

Our toddler program includes a variety of visual, auditory, activities and tactile materials to support all areas of development – physical, social, emotional, and linguistic.

The toddlers are provided with block area (large and small blocks), housekeeping center, library center, science center, math center, music center, arts & crafts center, as well as outdoor activities. We provide children opportunities to develop social skills as well as learning through play.

Activities Involved

Other Classes


6 weeks to 18 months

Infant Program​


18 months to 2.5 years

Junior Toddlers​


2.5 to 3.5 years old

Senior Toddlers​


3.5 years to 4.5 years old

Junior Scholars Pre-K3


4.5 years to 5 years old

Scholars Pre-K4​


6 Weeks to 5 years old​

Summer Camp​